Each of the coordinators of the different subcommittees will take the lead in order to activate the corresponding committee and to define and implement specific actions.
Shaji Kumar, Jesús San Miguel, Tom Martin, Philippe Moreau
Mission Statement: Recommend financial policies, goals, and budgets that support the mission, values, and strategic goals of the organization.
Nizar Bahlis, Faith Davies, Pankaj Malhotra, Lugui Qiu, Katja Weisel
Mission Statement: Develop new and innovative ways to attract new members as well as retain current membership via multiple mediums including the webpage of the Society.
Ajai Chari, Adam Cohen, Hermann Einsele, Dorotea Fantl, Francesca Gay, Joy Ho, Kwee Yong
Mission Statement: The central role of the educational committee is to provide, through various means, myeloma related education to both healthcare providers as well as patients. This committee will develop and organize various printed, electronic, social media, and educational seminars to present state-of-the-art information on myeloma therapies and patient management. It will also support development of programs and various activities to promote basic laboratory research as well as translational applications. It will supervise various educational programs globally on a yearly basis following major hematologic and/or oncology meetings (ASCO, ASH, EHA and IMW) to inform the physicians about advances in myeloma as well as providing guidance in utilizing the novel diagnostic and therapeutic means available.
Thanos Dimopoulos, Giampaolo Merlini, Nikhil Munshi, Jesus San Miguel, S. Vincent Rajkumar, Pieter Sonneveld
Mission Statement: To establish the application process for the three major awards: Waldenström’s Award, the Bart Barlogie Award and the Ken Anderson Award, given in recognition of the seminal contributions these physicians have made to the understanding and therapy of myeloma.
In addition, we have established travel awards for young investigators to encourage attendance at the myeloma workshop, the premier myeloma meeting of our association.
Amrita Krishnan, Sagar Lonial, Angelo Maiolino, Philippe Moreau, Steve Treon, Vincent Rajkumar
Hervé Avet-Loiseau, Michele Cavo, Niels van de Donk, Mariateresa Fulciniti, Stathis Kastritis, Aurore Perrot, Evangelos Terpos
Wee Joo Chng, Gordon Cook, Michel Delforge, Xavier Leleu, Enrique Ocio, Fredrik Schjesvold
Anita D’Souza, Francesca Gay, Graham Jackson, Sigurdur Kristinsson, Noopur Raje, Paula Rodriguez, Mehmet Samur, Surbhi Sidana
The International Myeloma Society is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The purpose of this society is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), workshops, conferences, and symposia on all aspects of multiple myeloma worldwide.
The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.