Bone marrow inflammation as driver of multiple myeloma persistence and relapse
Funding Cycle:
Tom CupedoType of Award:
Translational Research AwardHome Institution:
Erasmus University Medical CenterDescription
The specific aims of this research focus on understanding the role of inflammatory mesenchymal stromal cells (iMSC) and bone marrow inflammation in multiple myeloma (MM) development and treatment response. Aim 1 aims to investigate the effect of novel treatments, including bispecific T cell engagers, on normalizing bone marrow inflammation and iMSC presence. Aim 2 seeks to identify transcriptional differences in iMSC between patients in clinical remission and those experiencing disease relapse. Aim 3 aims to analyze the spatial interaction between iMSC, tumor cells, and immune cells during disease relapse at a high resolution. These aims aim to provide insights into the mechanisms underlying MM progression and treatment response.