One of the most important goals of IMS is to provide clinically focused education to practicing oncologists worldwide.

The IMS accomplishes this mission by providing educational forums in the form of workshops and meetings conducted around the globe. The goal for the Educational Workshop is to share with local hematologists state-of-the-art methods in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of plasma cell malignancies paying special attention to the current practice in the local countries and the opportunities for improvement.

We also offer the opportunity to establish potential collaborations with the invited speakers including the possibility of visiting local institutions or establishing fellowship programs. The program includes lectures plus roundtable discussions around the most hot and controversial topics and case presentations to supplement didactic education.

The IMS also provides other educational initiatives, including IMSound, an audio series where KOL are invited to give short presentations about hot button issues facing the global myeloma community.

Future Educational Events


Why Become a Member

The International Myeloma Society is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The purpose of this society is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), workshops, conferences, and symposia on all aspects of multiple myeloma worldwide.

The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.

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