This high-impact, 90-minute educational program will focus on the latest evidence for optimizing treatments for Newly Diagnosed patients, including the choice between 3- vs 4-drug regimens and considerations around fitness/frailty. Key concepts will be covered in presentations by senior faculty, along with practice-relevant case-based discussions.
This high-impact, 90-minute educational program will focus on the latest evidence for optimizing treatments for Newly Diagnosed patients, including the choice between 3- vs 4-drug regimens and considerations around fitness/frailty. Key concepts will be covered in presentations by senior faculty, along with practice-relevant case-based discussions.
Join us for a dynamic educational workshop on the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of plasma cell malignancies, including current practices and opportunities for improvement. This workshop will include lectures plus roundtable discussions around hot and controversial topics, featuring point-counterpoint conversations between invited speakers and local hematologists based on both challenging questions and clinical cases.
The IMS Workshop on Genomics was developed in response to the IMS-FDA joint workshop to further consider essential needs in myeloma. The initial invitation-only meeting in 2023 provided an opportunity for myeloma experts from around the world to develop a consensus to define ‘high-risk multiple myeloma’. Building upon this success, the Third IMS Genomics Meeting will be a public meeting led by global myeloma KOL.
The International Myeloma Society Meeting is the defining annual meeting in myeloma with a focus on both the basic, preclinical, and clinical aspects.
This year’s program includes:
The International Myeloma Society is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The purpose of this society is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), workshops, conferences, and symposia on all aspects of multiple myeloma worldwide.
The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.