The International Myeloma Society and Paula and Rodger Riney Foundation are proud to announce the fifth annual “IMS Translational Research Award” funding grants focused on translational research in the field of plasma cell dyscrasias.
Goal: To foster and support state-of-the-art investigator-initiated translational research that will contribute to improved prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of plasma cell disorders. Although focused on finding a cure for multiple myeloma, the areas of research for this program are broad. This award will also encourage interaction between institutions to enhance collaborative research.
Request for Application: Applicants should submit the research proposal by January 31, 2025 at 11:59 pm EST.
Budget: The grant will be an award between $175,000 to $250,000 dollars including maximal allowable institutional overhead of 8%. This may include salary support, as well as laboratory supplies, services and travel allowance; a detailed budget justification will be required. Equipment purchase is not allowed unless a special justification is provided to confirm its essential requirement. Applicants may apply for a second year of funding which will be evaluated based on research progress and available funding.
Eligibility: Applicant must be a faculty member or a scientist with an MD, and/or PhD, who is established as a researcher. Applicants with research experience outside of the field of plasma cell malignancies, who wish to apply their knowledge to developing translational research efforts focused on myeloma are encouraged. Women and underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. The PI or Co-I should be an IMS member. The applicant should agree to acknowledge IMS and the Paula and Rodger Riney Foundation as the funding source in any publication or presentation resulting from this funding. The applicants should provide a progress report at 6 months and at the end of the funding year and respond to periodic surveys for IMS.
Previous awardees will be eligible to reapply for a second year if adequate progress is demonstrated, and a need for additional resources to reach the translational potential are clearly defined.
Research areas: Translational research projects in all areas of plasma-cell dyscrasias are eligible for this proposal. “Translational Research” is defined in its broadest sense to include molecular assays, imaging techniques, drugs, biological agents, and/or other methodologies applicable to the treatment of myeloma. Translational research projects may involve the use of any cellular, molecular, structural, biochemical, and/or genetic experimental approaches. By this definition, projects are permitted to move not only in the forward direction, toward clinical trials and studies in areas of prevention, early detection, treatment, and development of biomarkers, but also in the reverse direction, using human biospecimens, often from clinical trials, to study new phenomena, or to identify new targets and develop treatments based on results from human studies. Projects must be focused on translational research that meets the definition provided above and results in clinical translation. Projects must be dedicated to capitalizing on research opportunities that have the potential to change the current paradigm in the management of myeloma.
Application format: The research proposal should be total of 5 pages including figures but not including references and should include the following details: Use 0.5 inch margins, single-spaced, Arial 11 font
The deadline for submitting applications for the 2025-2026 funding cycle has passed.
Contact: For additional questions, please contact us at
The deadline for submitting applications for the 2025-2026 Translational Research Award has passed.
Learn more about the Translational Research Awards that the IMS has funded.
The International Myeloma Society is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The purpose of this society is to promote research, education, clinical studies (including diagnosis and treatment), workshops, conferences, and symposia on all aspects of multiple myeloma worldwide.
The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners.